I was tagged by
Nihrida a few days ago. Although thrilled, this tag sent me into a panic. I have no idea how to work the features in this blog! Moreover, time is not my friend- I work 6 days a week, 3- 10 hour days and 3- 14 hour days, as the GM of a very busy Restaurant.
Anyway! Here are 10 *very* random things about me;
1) I wear acrylic nails out of necessity. I have a terrible habit of picking and ripping off the skin at the sides of my nails to the point of mutilation. This habit has sent me to my Dr's office for treatment of more Staf Infections than all other illnesses of my lifetime combined. My nail tech knows to make my tips a bit more on the thick side- not very attractive, I know- but the thickness prevents me from having sharp nails to do damage with.
2) I can read Slavonic, a basically "dead" Eastern Orthodox Church language.
3) I make enough money to shop for clothes practically anywhere I want, yet 98% of my clothes comes from The Salvation Army and Goodwill.
4) I am physically handicapped, but I have adapted so well people don't see it. In 1981, a mold machine crushed my right hand in half and sent a steel pipe through it.
5) I am a "night crawler" by nature...up all night, sleep all morning.
6) I am a Loner.
7) I've been married 3 times. #2 was 2 years older than my father. #3 was a woman. I am now reunited with #1, the father of 2 of my 3 children.
8) I haven't owned a pair if sneakers since high school- 29 years ago!
9) I smoke 1 1/2 packs of cigarettes a day.
10) I had to look up how to link to a friend's blog on Blog Doctor...let's see if I did it right.